Ink & Petals: What we have been reading this Summer!

As summer nears the end at the Bothy Gardens, we are excited to share some of the captivating books we have been reading. These nine books have found their way into our hands this summer, providing inspiration, knowledge, and a deeper understanding of the world we nurture within the walled garden.

“In the Garden: Essays on Nature and Growing”

by Jamaica Kincaid

Jamaica Kincaid's collection of essays is a lyrical celebration of the joys and wonders of the natural world. With eloquent prose, she explores the intimate relationship between humanity and nature. As we immerse ourselves in the lush surroundings of the Bothy Gardens, Kincaid's writing serves as a beautiful reminder of the interconnectedness between us and the land we care for. Link to Purchase

“Wilding: The Return of Nature to British Farm” by Isabella Tree

In her transformative book "Wilding," Isabella Tree takes readers on a captivating journey through the landscapes of rewilding and ecological restoration. Drawing from her own experiences, Tree chronicles the inspiring story of how she and her husband embarked on a daring experiment to bring back the wild to their farm, Knepp Estate, in West Sussex, England.

In essence, "Wilding" is an inspiring and thought-provoking read that speaks to the potential of rewilding to restore ecosystems, rekindle biodiversity, and ignite a sense of wonder in the natural world. Isabella Tree's storytelling paints a vivid picture of the beauty and resilience of nature's intricate web, leaving readers with a renewed sense of connection and a deeper understanding of the possibilities that arise when we allow the wild to thrive once again.

“The Forager’s Calendar” by John Wright

"The Forager’s Calendar" by John Wright is a captivating and informative guide that invites readers to explore the bounties of nature through the lens of foraging. With a wealth of knowledge and a passion for the outdoors, Wright takes readers on a year-long journey, uncovering the edible treasures each season offers.

Divided into twelve chapters, each corresponding to a month of the year, the book is structured as a calendar, providing readers with a comprehensive guide to the diverse range of wild foods available throughout the seasons. From the delicate blooms of spring to the hearty fruits of autumn, Wright shares his expertise in identifying, harvesting and preparing wild ingredients sustainably and ethically.

"The Forager’s Calendar" is richly illustrated with detailed photographs that aid in the identification of various wild foods. Wright weaves anecdotes and personal experiences alongside practical tips and guidelines, creating a well-rounded narrative that combines practical instruction with storytelling. Link to purchase

“The Fair Botanists” by Sara Sheridan

"The Fair Botanists" by Sara Sheridan is an enchanting historical novel that weaves together botanical exploration, women's independence, and pursuing knowledge in the 19th century. Set in the bustling streets of Edinburgh and the remote landscapes of Scotland, the novel follows the journey of two spirited heroines, Harriet and Elizabeth.

The novel brilliantly captures the era's atmosphere, transporting readers to a time when scientific discoveries were intertwined with personal struggles. Sheridan's meticulous research is evident in her portrayal of the botanical community, the Edinburgh Botanic Garden, and the various expeditions. The descriptions of plants, landscapes, and the art of botany are vivid, immersing readers in the beauty of the natural world.

Sara Sheridan's writing is evocative, transporting readers to the heart of 19th-century Edinburgh and the rugged Scottish landscapes. The blend of historical accuracy and fictional narrative creates a seamless and captivating reading experience. Link to purchase

“The Women Who Saved the English Countryside”

by Matthew Kelly

Diving into the stories of remarkable women who contributed to preserving England's natural beauty, this book aligns perfectly with our efforts at the Bothy Gardens. Their struggles and achievements resonate with us as we work to restore and maintain the historic gardens. Matthew Kelly's powerful storytelling sheds light on women's often-overlooked roles in shaping the landscapes we admire.

As we immerse ourselves in these enriching reads, our passion for the Bothy Gardens is renewed. These books not only deepen our understanding of horticulture, history, and nature but also provide valuable insights into the timeless wisdom of our predecessors. From the head gardeners of the past to the women who championed conservation, their stories inspire us to continue our journey of discovery, preservation, and transformation at the Bothy Gardens. With each page turned, we are reminded that we are part of a greater narrative, connecting us to the beauty and wonder of the natural world. Link to purchase

“The Hedgerow Apothecary: Recipes, Remedies, and Rituals”

by Christine Iverson

As we discover hidden treasures in the Bothy Gardens, "The Hedgerow Apothecary" has sparked our curiosity about the therapeutic potential of plants. Christine Iverson's book provides a guide to the ancient practice of herbalism, encouraging us to explore the healing properties of the flora around us. With recipes and remedies rooted in nature, this book has become a source of inspiration for our future workshops and classes. Link to purchase

“Life in Five Senses” by Gretchen Rubin

"Life in Five Senses" by Gretchen Rubin is a delightful exploration of enhancing our daily lives by engaging with the world through our five senses. Drawing on her expertise in happiness and human behaviour, Rubin takes readers on a journey to rediscover the joy and fulfilment that can come from fully experiencing the world using our senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

The book is organized into five sections, each dedicated to one of the senses. Rubin skillfully weaves together personal anecdotes, scientific research, historical references, and practical advice to demonstrate sensory experiences' profound impact on our well-being. She invites readers to slow down and savour the moments, from relishing a favourite meal to immersing oneself in the beauty of nature's colours and sounds.

Rubin's ability to blend introspection with practicality sets "Life in Five Senses" apart. She encourages readers to pay attention to the small details that often go unnoticed, whether the warmth of a cup of tea in our hands or the fragrance of a blooming flower. By inviting us to engage with our senses intentionally, she reminds us of the simple yet profound ways we can find joy in the present moment. Link to purchase

“The Head Gardener: Forgotten Heroes in Horticulture”

by Toby Musgrave

In this book, Toby Musgrave takes us on a journey through time to explore the lives and achievements of the often-overlooked heroes of horticulture – the head gardeners. Their tireless work and creativity have shaped the landscapes and gardens we cherish today. As we restore the Bothy Gardens to their former glory, this book provides insights into the dedication and passion that past gardeners poured into their craft. We have learned so much from this book, from the design of paths to the story of the Bothy boys and the amazing contributions of John Claudius Loudon to the world of horticulture in the 1800s. Many future blog posts will highlight things we have discovered from this amazing book packed with information. Link to purchase

“Round About the Great Estate” by Richard Jefferies

Richard Jefferies, a nature writer and poet, invites us to wander through the picturesque landscapes surrounding the great English estate. His evocative descriptions of the countryside transport us to a bygone era, offering a unique perspective on the rural beauty that once graced the Bothy Gardens. Jefferies' eloquence inspires us to appreciate the simple yet profound pleasures of the natural world. Link to Purchase


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